About Juanez
Juanez Rogers is a Maryland resident and proud father of his sons Juanez Jr., Naseem, and Jarell. Inspired by his own childhood struggles with bullying, he created the Hey Bully Series. Overcoming his personal challenges with bullying, Juanez realized he could be a positive influence on others.
Dedicated to his community, Juanez realized the importance of positive influence and is committed to being a role model for children. He mentors the youth, provides school supplies and toys to disadvantaged children, and feeds the homeless in Baltimore. His nonprofit organization, God’s Children, Inc., is dedicated to empowering individuals of all ages to succeed in life.
Juanez other activities
When he’s not making a difference, Juanez enjoys exploring new cultures, trying different cuisines, and spending time outdoors, whether fishing or relaxing on the beach.
You can help kids win in life by providing them with books that deals with the social issue of bullying. For more information contact us by email, [email protected]. Subject: Advertisement or Corporate Sponsorship
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